Hello to all the lovely followers of my blog. First of all, thank you so much for all your motivations and interactions. It is a pleasure to interact with you all through my blog and yours as well (since I love following you all back, reading your blog posts and commenting on those posts). You all are probably the friendliest folks ever that I was lucky enough to find on the internet! 🙂 Special thanks to those who have e-mailed me!

Promise to be Regular

I have been very irregular at posting since the very beginning on WordPress. However, two months ago, I had decided to be regular. The truth is that I love writing and posting on WordPress. I intend to follow that decision strictly no matter what. Yes, It has been 5 days since I last posted. That’s because I am busy with my midterm exams and some personal errands. Once that is over, I promise to go back to my regular schedule. Yes! I made one lol (on my Instagram account)!


My Schedule

My schedule had earlier involved this:

Unfortunately, I don’t get to maintain the days as per the schedule so from now on, my schedule will just involve me posting 3 times each week.

My 1st post would be on one of my blog categories, the 2nd post would be the parts of the series of ‘THE GIRL BEHIND THE SILVER DOOR’ (Weekly Series) and the 3rd post would be a YouTube video.


Stay Connected!

To conclude, keep following my blog and I think I haven’t informed you all specifically about my other social links. I am really happy that I am meeting so many people of unique thoughts and personalities from all over the world. I request you all to take a moment and connect with me on all social platforms:

Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/mullingoutcloudwithriha/

Facebook ID – https://www.facebook.com/Mulling-Out-Cloud-With-Riha-496735483798751/?fref=nf

Twitter – https://twitter.com/rihawith

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mullingoutcloudwithriha/ (I am mostly active and responsive here)

Tumblr – http://mullingoutcloudwithriha.tumblr.com/

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw4r3z4TK5Cer7-Lwv6g5GQ

Ask.FM – http://ask.fm/MullingOutCloudWithRiha

Google Plus/Email – mullingoutcloudwithriha@gmail.com

Those who have emailed me, thank you so much! Your emails have helped me stumble upon various ideas, issues and topics that I have been exploring in order to create blog posts. I love my WordPress community ❤

Expect a new post on Wednesday and take care until then! 🙂